An Open Letter to Lisa Thompson, Minister of Government and Consumer Services


Re: Proposal number 19-MGCS013/Amendments to Regulations re Forms


Posted on May 11, 2021

September 30, 2019

The Hon. Lisa Thompson
Minister of Government and Consumer Services
College Park, 5th Floor
777 Bay Street, 
Toronto, ON  M7A 2J3

Re: Proposal number 19-MGCS013/Amendments to Regulations re Forms


Dear Minister Thompson,

The Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (“ACMO”) supports the Ministry’s proposal to delegate the administration of 19 forms set out in the proposal, and provided for under the Condominium Act, 1998 (the “Act”), to the Condominium Authority of Ontario (“CAO”). The proposal results in changes to several regulations made under the Act: O. Reg 48/01, O. Reg 181/17 and O. Reg 49/01. 

We agree with the Ministry that the delegation of the said forms will benefit all stakeholders in the condominium sector and, more specifically, it will:

  • allow the CAO to be responsive to the needs of the condominium sector, including owners, mortgagees, purchasers and condominium corporations 
  • provide easier access and usability of those forms that are most frequently used by these parties, 
  • allow easy access to the public to the forms on the CAO’s website, and
  • better allow the CAO to respond to the need for changes and updates to the forms.

We commend the Ministry for undertaking this policy direction and are pleased to support it.

Yours truly,

Paul MacDonald
Executive Director of ACMO


cc. Katherine Gow, Audrey McGuire